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Approved Minutes 11/03/2011

A regular meeting of the Salem Planning Board was held on Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 313, Third Floor, at 120 Washington Street, Salem, Massachusetts.

Those present were: John Moustakis, Vice Chair (chairing the meeting), Mark George, Lewis Beilman, Helen Sides, Randy Clarke, Tim Ready, and Tim Kavanaugh.  Also present: Lynn Duncan, Director of Planning and Community Development, Danielle McKnight, Staff Planner, and Beth Gerard, Planning Board Recording Clerk. Absent: Chuck Puleo, Chair, and Nadine Hanscom.

John Moustakis opened the meeting at 7:00 pm.   

Approval of Minutes
September 15, 2011 draft minutes

No comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members. Tim Kavanaugh motioned to accept the minutes, seconded by Mark George. Approved 7-0.

September 29, 2011 special meeting draft minutes

No comments or corrections were made by the Planning Board members. Tim Kavanaugh motioned to accept the minutes, seconded by Tim Ready. Approved 6-0.  Mark George abstained.  

Old/New Business
Request of Patrick DeIulis for extension of subdivision approval and Wetlands and Flood Hazard Special Permit for Circle Hill Road

Patrick DeIulis, DeIulis Construction, explained that in 2009 his company came before the board for a previous approval.  Danielle McKnight stated that Mr. DeIulis didn’t have to come in for a formal extension, since the Permit Extension act would automatically give him another two years to begin work, but he preferred to get an extension from the Board nonetheless.  

Tim Kavanaugh made a motion to extend the date to December 2013, based on the requirements, Randy Clarke seconded.  All approved 7-0.  The decision is hereby made a part of these minutes.

Discussion and vote: Consistency of the Salem Downtown Renewal Plan with Salem’s Master Plan

Lynn Duncan, Director of Planning and Community Development, acknowledged Helen Sides, Mark George and former Board member Christine Sullivan as representatives on the working group.  Ms. Duncan explained the plan and that the plan for Heritage Plaza East expires in March 2012.  The purpose is to keep the effort and the objectives active.  They are looking at making a major plan change to the Urban Renewal Plan, aka the Salem Downtown Renewal Plan.  The major parts of the plan are the design standards, in addition to new goals and objectives that have been established.  Ms. Duncan explained the role of the Planning Board in relation to this Plan.  She noted that the city has focused on neighborhood plans rather than update its city-wide Master Plan.  Ms. Duncan briefly reviewed the plan and objectives with the Board Members.  Ms. Duncan stated that she feels that this plan is in compliance and offered to answer any questions raised by the Board.  She further explained the boundaries in relation to the Old Salem Jail, US Post Office, and Riley Plaza.  She also noted that there are no specific project proposals being brought forth by the SRA at this time.  

John Moustakis, Vice Chair, noted that there has been a lot of work put into these action plans presented to the Board.  He stated that it is a compliment to the City that all of these Boards are working together.  

Tim Ready noted that these are very detailed plans and Ms. Duncan and her department should be complimented for being part of leading the charge.  

Ms. Duncan acknowledged the current Mayor and previous Mayor for their efforts in revitalizing the downtown.

Randy Clarke stated that while it will not prevent him from supporting the new plan, he does not like the fact that Pickering Wharf, which is clearly in downtown, is not included in the urban renewal area. He is not a big fan of redevelopment authorities, which are steeped in the past.  He feels they should be more focused on the future and be called “development authorities.”  He loves what is going on downtown.  

Mr. Ready noted that 40 years ago, Salem was a much different city; people are moving in and no longer moving away.  He stated that this document is a living document.  

Mr. Moustakis stated that is because of the mayors and the city planners.  He observed that back 15-20 years ago, Salem was stagnant and now everyone knows Salem.  

Tim Kavanaugh noted that for a small city it has a lot going on and a history worth preserving.  

Mr. Moustakis stated that a lot of this change had to do with previous mayors allowing previous planners to plan.  Mr. Moustakis and Ms. Duncan also acknowledged that additionally a lot of this is due to having a great planning board for the past 15 years.
Helen Sides made a motion that the Salem Planning Board hereby determines the major plan change to the Heritage Plaza East Urban Renewal Plan, as documented in the plan titled, “Salem Downtown Renewal Plan”, dated October 27 2011 is in conformance with the general plan for the community as a whole, specifically the “City of Salem Master Plan Update and Action Plan, 1996”, Mark George seconded.  All approved 7-0.

Prior to adjournment, the Board formally welcomed new Board member Lewis Beilman.

Tim Ready made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Tim Kavanaugh.  All approved 7-0.  John Moustakis adjourned the meeting at 7:35 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Beth Gerard, Recording Clerk

For actions where the decisions have not been fully written into these minutes, copies of the decisions have been posted separately by address or project at

Approved by the Planning Board 11/17/11